Apple Assembly Line

Index to Articles
Volumes 1-3
October, 1980
September, 1983

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M -

N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - 65 -

Index to Advertisers

List of Authors

Amper-Monitor...........................................Bob S-C... 9/83/14-16
Ampersand Monitor Caller................................Bob S-C... 6/83/30-32
Apple Chips...............................Bob S-C & Bill Morgan... 5/83/12
  Adding Decimal ASCII Strings..........................Bob S-C... 2/83/2-11
  All About PTRGET and GTARYPT..........................Bob S-C... 3/83/2-9
  A New Hi-Res Function (HXPLOT)....................Mike Laumer... 6/82/7-10
  Applesoft Program Locater.........................Bill Morgan...11/82/19-22
  Applesoft Source, Completely Documented...............Bob S-C...12/82/15
  CHRGET and CHRGOT in Applesoft........................Bob S-C... 9/81/8-9
    Correction to "CHRGET..."...........................Bob S-C...10/81/18
  Compute GOSUB.........................................Bob S-C... 1/81/8
  EXEC without END from Applesoft.......................Bob S-C...11/82/17
  Fast String Input Routine.............................Bob S-C... 4/81/6-8
    Correction to "Fast String Input"...................Bob S-C...10/81/18
    Improved "Fast String Input"........................Bob S-C...12/81/16-17
  Field Input Routine.................................Bob Potts... 9/81/2-7
  Finding Applesoft Line Numbers......................Bob Potts... 8/81/2
  Floating Point Number Format..........................Bob S-C...11/81/2
  Formatted Print Routine...............................Bob S-C...11/81/6-13
  Garbage Collection Indicator for Applesoft.........Lee Meador... 3/83/22
  Generate Machine Code with Applesoft..................Bob S-C... 9/83/10-12
  GOTO from Assembly Language...........................Bob S-C...12/81/23-24
  Hex Constants in Applesoft......................David Bartley...12/81/6-9
  Hi-Res SCRN Function..................................Bob S-C... 5/81/2-3
  Hi-Res SCRN Function with Color..................David Doudna... 1/82/2-5
  Hi-Res Subroutines....................................Bob S-C...12/81/2-4
  Integer Input (0-65535) Using ROM Routines........Peter Meyer...12/81/insert
  Internal Entry Points.................................Bob S-C... 4/81/4-5
  Interpreter for Using Applesoft ROMs from Assembly Language..
               .........................................Bob S-C...11/81/2-13
  Line Editing Aid...............................Sandy Mossberg...12/81/11-14
  Mini-Assembler for 6502 Written in Applesoft..........Bob S-C... 7/83/2-7
  Patch Applesoft for Garbage Collection Indicator...Lee Meador... 3/83/22
  Relocatable Ampersand Vector.......................Steve Mann... 9/82/15-18
  REPEAT and UNTIL for Applesoft.....................Bobby Deen...11/82/24-28
  Save Garbage by Emptying Arrays.......................Bob S-C...12/82/22-25
  Splitting Strings to Fit Your Display.................Bob S-C...12/82/26-28
  String SWAP Subroutine................................Bob S-C... 2/81/14-15
  Substring Search Function.............................Bob S-C... 4/81/18-20
  TRAPPER:  An Applesoft Input Tuner.............Allen Marsalis... 2/83/18-23
  Using Applesoft ROMs from Assembly Language
       (FP Arithmetic and Formatted Print)..............Bob S-C...11/81/2-13
  Using USR for a WEEK (2-Byte PEEK)....................Bob S-C...10/82/30
  Variable Cross Reference Program......................Bob S-C...11/80/2-8
  Adding Decimal Values from ASCII Strings..............Bob S-C... 1/83/21
    Really Adding ASCII Strings.........................Bob S-C... 2/83/2-11
  Converting Binary Values to Decimal for Printing......Bob S-C... 6/83/11-13
  Division..............................................Bob S-C... 3/83/15-21
    On Dividing by Ten...............................Jim Church... 2/82/24
  Floating Point Number Format..........................Bob S-C...11/81/2
  How To Add and Subtract One...........................Bob S-C...10/80/2
  Multiplying on the 6502...............................Bob S-C... 2/81/11-12
    More About Multiplying on the 6502..................Bob S-C... 6/81/5-8
  Using Applesoft ROMs for Arithmetic...................Bob S-C...11/81/2-13
Assembler Directives, A Directory of....................Bob S-C... 9/82/3-14

Beginner's Tutorials
  Adding Decimal Values from ASCII Strings..............Bob S-C... 1/83/21
    Really Adding ASCII Strings.........................Bob S-C... 2/83/2-11
  Base Address Calculations.............................Bob S-C... 9/83/18-21
  Bubble Sort Demonstration Program.....................Bob S-C... 6/82/11
  Chart of 6502 Operations..............................Bob S-C... 5/81/10
  Converting Binary Values to Decimal for Printing......Bob S-C... 6/83/11-13
  Division..............................................Bob S-C... 3/83/15-21
  Don't Be Shiftless....................................Bob S-C... 5/81/6-9
  How to Add and Subtract One...........................Bob S-C...10/80/2
  How to Move Memory....................................Bob S-C... 1/81/2-6
  Jump Vectoring........................................Bob S-C... 9/83/2-8
  Loops.................................................Bob S-C...11/81/19-20
  Multiplying on the 6502...............................Bob S-C... 2/81/11-12
    More About Multiplying on the 6502..................Bob S-C... 6/81/5-8
    On Dividing by Ten...............................Jim Church... 2/82/24
  Programming a Language Card.......................Bill Morgan... 1/83/25-26
  Search and Perform Subroutine.........................Bob S-C... 8/82/2-5
  Simple Hi-Res Animation...........................Mike Laumer... 7/82/15-22
  Text File I/O in Assembly Language Programs...........Bob S-C... 4/81/2-4
  Yes/No Subroutine.....................................Bob S-C... 6/82/13
Book Reviews
  Apple Graphics & Arcade Game Design, Jeffrey Stanton..Bob S-C... 8/82/23
  Apple II Circuit Description, Winston Gayler......BIll Morgan... 4/83/20-22
  Apple Machine Language, Inman.........................Bob S-C... 3/81/1
  Apple Machine Language, Inman.........................Bob S-C... 8/81/6-7
  Assembly Lines: The Book, Roger Wagner................Bob S-C... 5/82/1
  Bag of Tricks, Worth & Lechner........................Bob S-C... 4/82/1
  Beneath Apple DOS, Worth & Lechner....................Bob S-C... 6/81/19-20
  Enhancing Your Apple II, Don Lancaster............Bill Morgan...12/82/29-30
  Hardcore Magazine.....................................Bob S-C... 9/82/19
    Still More on Hardcore Magazine.....................Bob S-C... 1/83/23
  INDEX, Bill Wallace...................................Bob S-C... 1/82/12
  Micro Cookbook Volume I, Don Lancaster............Bill Morgan... 1/83/8
  Practical Microcomputer Programming: the 6502, W.J. Weller...... 3/81/1
  The Book of Apple Software 1983................................. 1/83/26
  The Other Epson Manual, Bill Parker...................Bob S-C... 3/82/15
    More about "Other Epson Manual"........Bill Parker, Bob S-C... 7/82/3
  What's Where in the Apple, 2nd Edition.......................... 1/83/23
  6502 Assembly Language Subroutines, Lance Leventhal............. 3/82/23

Clarification on Loading the RAM Card.............Paul Schlyter...12/82/32
Clear Text Screen Three Times Faster....................Bob S-C... 9/82/25-27
Converting ToolKit Source to S-C........................Bob S-C...10/82/21-27
Cross Assemblers
  1802 Version Ready.............................................. 4/83/1
  Special Note for 6800 Version.........................Bob S-C... 9/82/30
  Funny Opcode Names in the 6801 Manual.................Bob S-C... 1/83/9

Date Processing Modules..........................Brooke Boering... 4/83/13-19
  Allow List of Expressions with .DA Directive..........Bob S-C...12/80/9
  Directives Used in Roger Wagner's Book................Bob S-C... 9/82/14-15
  Directory of Assembler Directives.....................Bob S-C... 9/82/3-14
  Filler Byte for .BS Directive.....................Bill Morgan... 8/83/22
  Large Source Files with .IN and .TF Directives....Bill Morgan... 8/82/25-27
  Making Lower Case Work in .AS and .AT Strings.........Bob S-C... 8/82/28
  Patch to Extend .TF to 63 Target Files................Bob S-C... 2/83/17
  Patch to Fix .TI Problem..........................Mike Laumer... 2/83/15
  Problem with .IN Directive............................Bob S-C...11/80/1
  .US Directive as Fancier .AS Directive................Bob S-C... 9/81/12-15
  Broderick's Disassembler (first Ad)............................. 8/81/8
  Decision System's Disassembler (first Ad).......................12/80/10
  Lee Meador's Disassembler....................................... 2/81/16
  Poor Man's Disassembler...James O. Church.......................11/81/14-17
  Rak-Ware's Disassembler (first Ad)..............................12/80/15
DOS 3.2.1 Commented Listings
  $B800-$BCFF (Disk I/O)................................Bob S-C... 5/81/12-20
  $BD00-$BE9F (RWTS)....................................Bob S-C... 3/81/15-19
  $BEA0-$BFFF (Format)..................................Bob S-C... 4/81/11-14
DOS 3.3 Commented Listings
  Boot ROM on Controller Card...........................Bob S-C... 8/81/17-20
  $B052-$B0B5 and $B35F-$B7FF (part of File Manager)....Bob S-C...10/81/18-24
  $B800-$BCFF (Disk I/O)................................Bob S-C... 6/81/10-18
  $BD00-$BEAE (RWTS)....................................Bob S-C... 9/81/16-20
  $BEAF-$BFFF (Format)..................................Bob S-C... 4/81/14-17
DOS Enhancements
  Catalog Arranger..................................Bill Morgan...10/82/2-16
    An Addition to the CATALOG ARRANGER.........Dave Barkovitch... 1/83/10
    And Another Change.............................Bill Collins... 1/83/10
    A Filename Editor for the CATALOG ARRANGER......Bill Morgan... 1/83/11-20
    On CATALOG ARRANGER and RAM Card DOS...........Chuck Welman... 2/83/14
  Dating Files with Applied Engineering TIME II Card....Bob S-C... 3/82/19-22
  DOS Error Trapping from Machine Language...........Lee Meador... 2/82/2-10
  EXEC without END from Applesoft.......................Bob S-C...11/82/17
  Fast LOAD/BLOAD Patches for DOS 3.3...Bob S-C & Paul Schlyter... 4/83/2-8
  Firmware Card in Slot 4.......................Michael Sanders... 7/81/1
  Free Space Patch Compatible with S-C Macro.......Mike Sanders... 8/82/9-10
  Handy EXEC Files......................................Bob S-C... 1/82/20-21
  Hiding Things Under DOS..........................Rick Hatcher... 4/81/10
    Correction to "Hiding Things..."....................Bob S-C... 6/81/5
  More about the Firmware Card in Slot 4................Bob S-C... 9/81/1
  New CATALOG Interrupt....................Col. Paul L. Shetler... 9/83/26-27
  New Revision of DOS 3.3 -- Patchers Beware............Bob S-C... 4/83/23
    Detail of Differences in New Version................Bob S-C... 7/83/26-28
    Yet Another New Version of DOS 3.3..................Bob S-C... 9/83/16
  Quick Way to Write DOS on a Disk..................Bob Perkins... 8/82/24
  Replacing INIT Can Be Dangerous...................Bill Morgan... 6/83/16-17
  Restoring Clobbered Page 3 Pointers.............Preston Black... 7/81/9
  ROGRAM TOO LARGE???................................Lee Meador... 5/82/28
  RWTS Caller.......................................Bill Morgan... 5/82/20-25
  Secret RWTS Caller inside DOS.....................Bill Parker... 5/82/2
  Speeding Up Text File I/O.......................Paul Schlyter... 7/83/10-12
    Making Paul's Patches Fit in DOS....................Bob S-C... 7/83/13-17
  Text File Display Command for DOS.....................Bob S-C... 7/82/23-27
  80-Column SHOW Command.........................Robert Bragner... 7/83/24
DOS Problems
  Explanation of New DOS 3.3 Append Bug............Tom Weishaar... 7/83/25
  Serious Problem in DOS (with IRQ interrupts)..........Bob S-C... 1/82/13

Enhancements and Patches to S-C Assembler II Version 4.0
  Ampersand Interface for S-C Assembler II..............Bob S-C... 3/81/20
  Assembly Source on Text Files.........................Bob S-C...11/80/9-14
    Correction to "Assembly Source on Text Files"................. 8/81/16
  A Use for the USR Command.............................Bob S-C...11/80/15
  Allow List of Expressions with .DA Directive..........Bob S-C...12/80/9
  Block MOVE and COPY for Version 4.0...................Bob S-C...12/80/11-14
    Bug Corrections.....................................Bob S-C... 2/81/1,12
    EDITASM & COPY on the Language Card............Chuck Welman... 3/81/12-14
    Installing COPY in the Assembler.................Lee Meador... 1/81/9
  Controlling Software Configuration.................Don Taylor... 4/82/24-26
  EDIT Command for S-C Assembler II.................Mike Laumer... 1/81/10-16
    EDITASM & COPY on the Language Card............Chuck Welman... 3/81/12-14
  Leaving the S-C Assembler II..........................Bob S-C... 9/81/11
    Another Way Out.................................James Church...10/81/1
  Problem with .IN Directive.............................Bob S-C...11/80/1
  Putting Version 4.0 on the Language Card........Paul Schlyter... 1/82/15-19
  See All Error Messages in One Pass....................Bob S-C... 4/81/6
  Stuffing Code in Protected Places.....................Bob S-C... 2/81/9
  TAB Locations..........................................Bob S-C...1/81/1
  Typing LOAD with no filename loads cassette............Bob S-C...11/80/1
  .US Directive as a Fancier .AS Directive...............Bob S-C... 9/81/12-15
  Using Lower Case.................................Bob Matzinger...10/80/4,9-10
Enhancements and Patches to S-C Macro Assembler
  Another Lower Case Patch for S-C Macro.................Bob S-C...10/82/32
  Assembly Listing into a Text File..................Bill Morgan... 7/83/8-9
  Assembly Listings on Text Files........................Bob S-C...12/82/13
  AUTO/MANUAL Toggle Using Ctrl-A..................R. F. O'Brien... 8/82/6-7
  Automatic CATALOG via Esc-C........................Bill Morgan... 6/82/23-24
  Automatic CATALOG in the Language Card.............Bill Morgan...10/82/31
  Auto-SAVE.......................................Greg H. Anders... 4/2-9
  Bringing Some Patches Together......................Jim Wetzel... 8/83/24-28
  Converting ToolKit Source to S-C.......................Bob S-C...10/82/21-27
  Easy Automatic SAVE...............................Bob and Bill... 6/82/12
  EPROM Version Available for $64........................Bob S-C... 5/82/1
  Free Space Patch Compatible with S-C Macro........Mike Sanders... 8/82/9-10
  Large Source Files with .IN & .TF Directives.......Bill Morgan... 8/82/25-27
  Macro/Videx Connection..............................Don Taylor... 8/82/11-22
    Right Arrow for the Videx Patches................Mike Laumer... 9/82/29-31
    More on the Macro/Videx Connection.................Bill Linn... 2/83/12-13
  Making Lower Case Work in .AS and .AT Strings..........Bob S-C... 8/82/28
  More Opcodes for S-C Macro Assembler.............R. F. O'Brien... 7/83/31-32
  Moving the Symbol Table............................Bill Morgan...11/82/16
  Optional Patch for the TEXT/ Command...................Bob S-C... 3/83/14
  Patch to Fix .TI Problem...........................Mike Laumer... 2/83/15
  Patch to Extend .TF to 63 Target Files.................Bob S-C... 2/83/17
  Patch to List Object Code Only Inside Macros...........Bob S-C... 2/83/27
  PAUSE Directive....................................Mike Laumer... 5/83/17-19
  Right Arrow for the Videx Patches..................Mike Laumer... 9/82/29-31
  Some Patches for the S-C Macro Assembler...............Bob S-C... 5/82/3-5
  Some Small Patches (^A vs ^I, .BS Filler Byte).....Bill Morgan... 8/83/22
  Star-tling Stunts....................Bill Morgan & Mike Laumer... 2/83/25-26
  Stopping After One Error...............................Bob S-C... 8/82/27
  Toggling Upper/Lower Case in S-C Macro.............Steven Mann...12/82/19-20
EPROM Blaster Defined....................................Bob S-C... 3/82/9

FLASH!, An Integer BASIC Compiler, Review.............Bobby Deen... 1/82/22-24
Formatting for Printing
  Converting Binary Values to Decimal for Printing.......Bob S-C... 6/83/11-13
  Dashed Line Across Screen......................Horst Schneider... 1/83/20
  Date Processing Modules.........................Brooke Boering... 4/83/13-19
  Formatted Print Routine for Applesoft..................Bob S-C...11/81/6-13
  General Message Printing Subroutine....................Bob S-C...10/80/2-8
  Print 2 Bytes in Hex...................................Bob S-C...12/82/30
  Splitting Strings to Fit Your Display..................Bob S-C...12/82/26-28
FID -- A Wild-carded Catalog..........................Lee Meador... 8/81/10

Generate Machine Code with Applesoft.....................Bob S-C... 9/83/10-12
  A New Hi-res Function (HXPLOT).....................Mike Laumer... 6/82/7-10
  Base Address Calculations..............................Bob S-C... 9/83/18-21
  Displaying Character Generator EPROMs..................Bob S-C... 5/83/2-10
  Hi-Res SCRN Function...................................Bob S-C... 5/81/2-3
  Hi-Res SCRN Function with Color.................................. 1/82/2-4
  Hi-Res Subroutines.....................................Bob S-C...12/81/2-4
  Number Nine Graphics Card (description).........Richard Fabbri... 1/83/28
  Simple Hi-Res Animation............................Mike Laumer... 7/82/15-22
  "Apple Graphics & Arcade Game Design", Book Review.....Bob S-C... 8/82/23

Hardware Reviews
  Apple //e Notes.......................................Bob S-C... 2/83/16-17
    More On //e.........................................Bob S-C... 3/83/26
  Ashby's Easy Shift-Key Modifier.......................Bob S-C... 4/82/13
  Axlon RAMDISK 320.................................Bill Morgan... 7/82/11-13
  EXCEL-9:  6809 Card with FLEX.........................Bob S-C...12/81/1
  Number Nine Graphics and Processor Cards.......Richard Fabbri... 1/83/28
  PRAWM Board from Advanced Peripheral Enterpises.......Bob S-C... 4/83/28
  Promette from Computer Micro Works....................Bob S-C... 1/83/28
  Some New Cards.................................................. 5/83/20
  Some More 68000 Boards...........................................8/83/23
  Tiniest Motherboard, Douglas Electronics..............Bob S-C... 6/83/15
  Track Balls, Wico and TG Products.................Bill Morgan... 6/83/24-28
  Volume Control for Apple Speaker................................ 8/83/28
  Zero-Insertion-Force Game Socket Extender.............Bob S-C... 2/83/1

Input Routines
  Binary Keyboard Input.................................Bob S-C... 8/81/3-4
  Blinking Underline Cursor...........................Bill Linn... 8/82/29-31
    A Note on "Blinking Underline Cursor"...............Bob S-C... 9/82/32
  Date Processing Modules........................Brooke Boering... 4/83/13-19
  Fast String Input Routine.............................Bob S-C... 4/81/6-8
    Correction to "Fast String Input"...................Bob S-C...10/81/18
    Improved "Fast String Input"........................Bob S-C...12/81/16-17
  Field Input Routine.................................Bob Potts... 9/81/2-7
  Integer Input (0-65535) Using Applesoft ROMs......Peter Meyer...12/81/insert
  Lower-Case Input Using the Shift-Key Mod..............Bob S-C... 6/82/16-17
  Numeric Keypad, Simulated.............................Bob S-C... 11/80/15-16
  TRAPPER:  An Applesoft Input Tuner.............Allen Marsalis... 2/83/18-23
  Yes/No Subroutine.....................................Bob S-C... 6/82/13
Integer BASIC
  FLASH! Compiler for Integer BASIC, A Review........Bobby Deen... 1/82/22-24
  Pretty Lister for Integer BASIC Programs..............Bob S-C...12/80/3-8

Language Card
  Clarification on Loading the RAM Card...........Paul Schlyter...12/82/32
Lower Case
  Lower-Case Input Using the Shift-Key Mod..............Bob S-C... 6/82/16-17
  Lower Case Apple................................Bob Matzinger... 7/81/2-5
  Patches to S-C Macro Assembler Version 1.1
    To Accept ".em" and ".eM"...........................Bob S-C...10/82/32
    To Generate Lower Case in .AS and .AT Strings.......Bob S-C... 8/82/28
  Toggling Upper/Lower Case in S-C Macro............Steven Mann...12/82/19-20
  Using Lower Case................................Bob Matzinger...10/80/4,9-10

  An "ORG" Macro for Self-Aligning Code.................Bob S-C... 4/83/10-12
  Funny Opcode Names in the 6801 Manual.................Bob S-C... 1/83/9
  Giant Macro for Writing Messages............Robert B. Steiner... 7/82/6-7
  Macro Branch Library............................R. F. O'Brien... 5/82/29-31
  Macros Can Build Macros...........................Mike Laumer... 3/83/10
  Macro to Speed Up Prime Benchmark..........Anthony Brightwell...11/82/11-15
  Macros for BLT and BGE................................Bob S-C... 1/83/9
  Patch to List Object Code Only Inside Macros..........Bob S-C... 2/83/27
  Recursive Macro for Repeating Code.................Lee Meador... 4/82/22
  Recursive Macro for Generating Data................Lee Meador... 5/82/17-18
  So You Never Need Macros!.............................Bob S-C...10/82/17-18
  Using Macros and Nested Macros....................Art Schumer... 4/82/17
Mini-Assembler for 6502 Written in Applesoft............Bob S-C... 6/83/2-7
Monitor Enhancements
  Add Bit Control to Apple Monitor......................Bob S-C...12/82/10-11
  Control-Y Linkage Explained...........................Bob S-C...10/81/14-17
  Disassembly of an Address Range.......................Bob S-C...10/81/14-17
  Dump in both Hex and ASCII
    A Beautiful Dump..........................Robert H. Bernard... 3/81/2-5
    Adding ASCII to Monitor Dump........................Bob S-C...12/81/18-21
    Examiner........................................Bill Morgan... 6/82/25-27
    Extending the Apple Monitor.........................Bob S-C...10/81/14-17
    Revised Monitor Patch for ASCII Display.............Bob S-C... 7/83/20-21
    80-Column ASCII Monitor Dump......................Mike Dobe... 9/83/27-28
  FADD -- Find ADDress References................Brooke Boering... 5/83/21-23
  Lower Case Apple................................Bob Matzinger... 7/81/2-5
  Some Seed Thoughts on Extensions............Sanford Greenfarb... 1/83/27

New Products
  Applesoft Source, On Disk, Completely Commented.......Bob S-C...12/82/15
  Apple /// Version of S-C Macro Assembler Coming................. 1/83/1
  Apple /// Version Working and Ready............................. 2/83/1
  BASIS 108 Version of S-C Macro Assembler Now Available.......... 1/83/1
  Bobby Deen's Latest Stuff (Music and Othello).........Bob S-C... 7/83/32
  Cross Assemblers
    6809 Version 4.0................................Chris Wiggs...10/81/12
    Macro 1802 Ready.............................................. 4/83/1
    Macro 6800, 6809, and Z-80 Versions............................8/82/1
    Macro 68000 Version........................................... 9/82/2
    Macro PDP-11 Available........................................ 5/83/1
  ES-CAPE, A New Software Tool..........................Bob S-C... 7/82/1
  New Compiler:  FLASH!..................reviewed by Bobby Deen... 1/82/22-24
  Note about FLASH!............................................... 3/83/8
  S-C Assembler II Version 4.0..........................Bob S-C...10/80/4-8
  S-C Cross Reference Utility.......................Mike Laumer... 4/83/12
  S-C Macro Assembler Version 1.0.......................Bob S-C... 3/82/3-7
  S-C Macro in EPROM for $64............................Bob S-C... 5/82/1
  S-C Macro Assembler Version 1.1................................. 3/83/1,24-25
  Screen-Oriented Editor for S-C Macro Assembler....Mike Laumer... 3/83/1
  S-C Word Processor....................................Bob S-C... 2/83/28
    Note on S-C Word Processor......................Mike Laumer... 5/83/10
    Capture, A Modem Program for S-C Word............Jim Church... 5/83/13-15
  Source Code for a Word Processor......................Bob S-C... 2/83/28
  Source Code on Disk for Version 4.0...................Bob S-C...10/81/1
  SynAssembler.................................................... 9/82/2
  Vinyl Diskette Pages for S-C Assembler Binder.........Bob S-C... 5/82/5
Noises and Other Sounds
  Alarm in only Eleven Bytes............................Bob S-C... 2/83/14
  A Sight of Sound............Herbert A. & Herbert L. McKinstry...11/82/2
  Funny Noise...........................................Bob S-C... 4/82/27
  My Own Little Bell....................................Bob S-C... 6/82/14
  Simple tone, bell, machine-gun, laser-swoop,
     laser-blast, inch-worm, touch-tones, and Morse code.)...
               .........................................Bob S-C... 2/81/2-9
  Speaking of Speech................................Bill Morgan...11/82/9
  Two Fancy Tone Generators......................Mark Kriegsman... 6/81/2-4
  Your Apple Can Talk...................................Bob S-C...11/82/2-9
Numeric Key Pad, Simulated..............................Bob S-C...11/80/15-16

Paddles and Buttons
  Conquering Paddle Jitter.......................Brooke Boering... 5/81/4-5
  No More Paddle Interaction........................Mike Laumer... 9/82/21-23
  Reading the Game Buttons...........................Jim Kassel... 5/82/26-28
  Reading Two Paddles at the Same Time..................Bob S-C... 3/82/1,24
PATCHER: A General-Purpose Patch Installer..........Bill Morgan... 4/83/24-27
Patches and Modifications to Other Software
  Add a New Feature to ES-CAPE........................Bill Linn...12/82/14
  Rak-Ware's DISASM and the //e.....................Bill Morgan... 4/83/1
  Patches for Applewriter to Unhook PLE.................Bob S-C... 2/82/21-22
  Using QUICKTRACE with S-C Assembler...............Bob Urschel... 9/83/8
Prime Number Sieve Benchmark
  Sifting Primes Faster and Faster......................Bob S-C...10/81/2-10
  Even Faster Primes.............................Charles Putney... 2/82/15-17
  Even Faster Primes Than Charlie's..........Anthony Brightwell...11/82/11-15
  Short Note About Prime Benchmarks.................Frank Hirai... 3/83/21
Printer Handler with FIFO Buffer.....................Jim Kassel... 2/82/18
  Correcton to "FIFO"...............................BIll Morgan... 3/82/9
Printer Interfaces
  80 Columns with Apple's Parallel Interface............Bob S-C... 4/81/1
  Another Way to Get 80 Columns.........................Bob S-C... 6/81/1
  Improving the Epson Controller Card.....Peter C. Bartlett, Jr... 2/82/11-13
  More about the Epson Interface.....................Jim Church... 3/82/14
  Potential Trouble in TYMAC Interface........Robert H. Bernard... 4/82/15
  The Other Epson Manual -- A Review....................Bob S-C... 3/82/15
    More about "Other Epson Manual"........Bill Parker, Bob S-C... 7/82/3

Random Number Generator.................................Bob S-C... 8/81/11-14
Reviews, see "Book Reviews", "Hardware Reviews", "Software Reviews"

S-C Software Corporation
  Answered Prayer.......................................Bob S-C... 7/83/23-24
  At Apple/Fest in Houston..............................Bob S-C...11/82/1
  Burglary, Breaking and Entering...................Bill Morgan... 6/83/9
  Trip to California....................................Bob S-C...10/82/1
  Who Are We and What Are We Doing?.................Mike Laumer... 7/82/4
Screen Printer..........................................Bob S-C... 7/81/5-7
  Epson MX-80 Text Screen Dump..................Ulf Schlichtman... 3/83/12-14
  Generic Screen Dump..............................Steve Knouse... 9/83/22-24
Scrolling Faster........................................Bob S-C... 9/82/25-27
  Correction to Bob's Fast Screen Scroll.............Jim Church...10/82/28
  Super Scroller................................Jeffrey Scott... 1/83/2-7
Software Reviews
  AED II -- A New Applesoft Program Editor..............Bob S-C... 4/82/10-11
    New AED Features....................................Bob S-C... 5/82/15
  Amper-Magic...........................................Bob S-C... 3/82/10-13
  Bag of Tricks.........................................Bob S-C... 4/82/1
  DFX:  DOS File Exchange via Hayes Micromodem......Bill Morgan... 6/82/12
  FLASH!, An Integer BASIC Compiler..................Bobby Deen... 1/82/22-24
  Hierographic Transport............................Mike Laumer... 7/82/28-31
  Intelligent Disassemblers.............................Bob S-C...12/80/2
  Lee Meador's Disassembler (ad).....................Lee Meador... 2/81/16
  QuickTrace............................................Bob S-C... 8/82
  S-C Macro Assembler Version 1.0.......................Bob S-C... 3/82/3-7
  S-C Macro Assembler Version 1.1...................Bill Morgan... 3/83/24-25
  The Visible Computer: 6502, Software Masters..........Bob S-C... 3-83/27-28
Search for Page-Zero References.........................Bob S-C... 6/82/19-21
Sorting Out Page Zero References................Tracy L. Shafer... 7/82/10
Source Code On Disk
  For All Code Printed in Apple Assembly Line.....................12/80/1
  For Applesoft ROM Image.........................................12/82/15
  For Chris Wiggs' 6809 Cross Assembler (Version 4.0).............10/81/12
  For Laumer Research Screen Editor............................... 3/83/1
  For S-C Assembler II Version 4.0................................10/81/1
  For S-C Cross Reference......................................... 4/83/12
  For S-C Word Processor.......................................... 2/83/28
Spiral Screen Clear.....................Bob S-C & Roger Keating... 6/83/2-8
  Speeding Up Spirals..................Bob S-C & Charles Putney... 8/83/13-15
  Generate Machine Code with Applesoft..................Bob S-C... 9/83/10-12
Step-Trace Utility......................................Bob S-C... 7/81/11-20
  Adding Decimal ASCII Strings..........................Bob S-C... 2/83/2-11
  Fast String Input Routine.............................Bob S-C... 4/81/6-8
    Correction to "Fast String INput"...................Bob S-C...10/81/18
    Improved "Fast String Input"........................Bob S-C...12/81/16-17
  Splitting Strings to Fit Your Display.................Bob S-C...12/82/26-28
  String SWAP Subroutine................................Bob S-C... 2/81/18-20
  Substring Search Function.............................Bob S-C... 4/81/18-20

  All About PTRGET and GTARYPT..........................Bob S-C... 3/83/2-9
  Benchmarking Block Moves....................William R. Savoie... 5/82/7-14
  Blinking Underline Cursor...........................Bill Linn... 8/82/29-31
    A Note on "Blinking Underline Cursor"...............Bob S-C... 9/82/32
  Controlling Software Configuration.................Don Taylor... 4/82/24-26
  Displaying Character Generator EPROMs.................Bob S-C... 5/83/2-10
  Examiner..........................................Bill Morgan... 6/82/25-27
  Generating Parity.....................................Bob S-C... 5/83/24-26
  Handling Jump Tables on the Stack.....................Bob S-C...10/80/11
  Implementing New Opcodes Using "BRK"..................Bob S-C... 6/82/2-5
  Lower-Case Input Routine Using the Shift-Key Mod......Bob S-C... 6/82/16-17
  Making Internal JMPs and JSRs Relocatable........Peter Meyer...12/82/2-8
  No More Paddle Interaction........................Mike Laumer... 9/82/21-23
  PATCHER: A General-Purpose Patch Installer........Bill Morgan... 4/83/24-27
  Programming a Language Card.......................Bill Morgan... 1/83/25-26
  Random Number Generator...............................Bob S-C... 8/81/11-14
  Reading the Game Buttons...........................Jim Kassel... 5/82/26-28
  Reformatting a Lot of Text............................Bob S-C... 6/83/19-22
  Run-Anywhere Subroutine Calls..............Bob Nacon, Bob S-C... 7/82/2
    Correction to "Run-Anywhere" re BIT instruction.....Bob S-C... 8/82/24
  Reversing, Getting, and Putting Nybbles...............Bob S-C... 8/83/19-21
  RWTS Caller.......................................Bill Morgan... 5/82/20-25
  Search and Perform Subroutine.........................Bob S-C... 8/82/2-5
  Simple Hi-Res Animation...........................Mike Laumer... 7/82/15-22
  Some Fast Screen Tricks...............................Bob S-C... 9/82/25-27
    Correction to Bob's Fast Screen Scroll...........Jim Church...10/82/28
  So You Never Need Macros!.............................Bob S-C...10/82/17-18
  TIME II Card, Applied Engineering, Using the..........Bob S-C... 3/82/19-22
  Tricky Code that Always Skips.........................Bob S-C... 3/82/17-18
  Two Ways to Compare a Byte.........................Lee Meador... 8/81/9
  Using the Shift-Key Mod...............................Bob S-C... 6/82/16-17
  Using Auxiliary Memory in the //e............David C. Johnson... 8/83/2-12
  What Does This Code Do?........................John Broderick... 8/81/15
  Yes/No Subroutine.....................................Bob S-C... 6/82/13
Tips and Hints
  Alarm in only Eleven Bytes............................Bob S-C... 2/83/14
  Dashed Line Across Screen.....................Horst Schneider... 1/83/20
  Easy Automatic SAVE in S-C Macro Assembler.......Bob and Bill... 6/82/12
  Merge Selected Bits...................................Bob S-C...12/82/13
  Print 2 bytes in hex..................................Bob S-C...12/82/30
  Saving Source with Apple's Mini-Assembler..........Jim Church... 9/83/21
  Shift 2-byte value right with sign extension..........Bob S-C...12/82/15
  Star-tling Stunts...................Mike Laumer & Bill Morgan... 2/83/25-26
  Test a Byte without Register Use......................Bob S-C...12/82/14

Using USR for a WEEK (2-Byte Peek)......................Bob S-C...10/82/30
Utility Programs
  Applesoft Program Locater.........................Bill Morgan...11/82/19-22
  Catalog Arranger Utility..........................Bill Morgan...10/82/2-16
    An Addition to the CATALOG ARRANGER.........Dave Barkovicth... 1/83/10
    And Another Change.............................Bill Collins... 1/83/10
    A Filename Editor for the CATALOG ARRANGER......Bill Morgan... 1/83/11-20
    On CATALOG ARRANGER and RAM Card DOS...........Chuck Welman... 2/83/14
  Displaying Character Generator EPROMs.................Bob S-C... 5/83/2-10
  Examiner..........................................Bill Morgan... 6/82/25-27
  FADD -- Find Address References................Brooke Boering... 5/83/21-23
  Mini-Assembler for 6502 Written in Applesoft..........Bob S-C... 6/83/2-7
  PATCHER:  A General Purpose Patch Installer.......Bill Morgan... 4/83/24-27
  Pretty Lister for Integer BASIC.......................Bob S-C...12/80/3-8
  Relocator.............................................Bob S-C... 1/82/8-12
  Screen Printer........................................Bob S-C... 7/81/5-7
    Epson MX-80 Text Screen Dump.................Ulf Sclichtman... 3/83/12-14
    Generic Screen Dump............................Steve Knouse... 9/83/22-24
  Search for Page-Zero References.......................Bob S-C... 6/82/19-21
  Sorting Out Page-Zero References..............Tracy L. Shafer... 7/82/10
  Step-Trace Utility....................................Bob S-C... 7/81/11-20
    Corrections to "Step-Trace Utility".................Bob S-C... 1/82/6
  Variable Cross Reference for Applesoft................Bob S-C...11/80/2-8

Variable Cross Reference for Applesoft..................Bob S-C...11/80/2-8
  Corrections to VCR....................................Bob S-C... 7/81/10
  Tinkering with Variable Cross Reference............Louis Pitz... 9/83/17
Videx/Macro Connection...............................Don Taylor... 8/82/11-22
  Right Arrow for the Videx Patches.................Mike Laumer... 9/82/29-31
  More on the Macro/Videx Connection..................Bill Linn... 2/83/12-13

WICO Track Ball Driver and Demonstration............Bill Morgan... 6/83/24-28
  WICO Price Increase...............................Bill Morgan... 7/83/21
Writing for Apple Assembly Line.........................Bob S-C...10/82/32

Zero-Page References
  Searching for All Page-Zero References................Bob S-C... 6/82/19-21
  Sorting Out Page-Zero References..............Tracy L. Shafer... 7/82/10

  Chart of 6502 Operations..............................Bob S-C... 5/81/10
  Hardware Error in ALL 6502 Chips!.....................Bob S-C...10/80/10,11
  Mini-Assembler for 6502 Written in Applesoft..........Bob S-C... 7/83/2-7
  So-called Unused Opcodes..............................Bob S-C... 3/81/7-11
  6500/1 One-Chip Computer.............................Dan Pote... 1/82/21

  New Enhanced 6502 Nearly Here!........................Bob S-C...12/82/16-17
  Note on GTE Version.............................Don Lancaster... 6/83/1
  Latest 65C02 Word.................................Bill Morgan... 7/83/1,18
  65C02: What It Is.................................Bill Morgan... 8/83/12
  65C02 Notes, BIT Immediate Opcode Faulty..........Bill Morgan... 9/83/1

Index to Advertising

Quite a variety of individuals and companies paid to advertise in the printed edition of Apple Assembly Line. The ads were well received, and the advertisers were well-rewarded. The ads have not been reproduced in the web version. Nevertheless, I thought it would be nice to include this index.

Advanced Peripheral Enterprises, Inc.
  PRAWM Board      83: 4/23,5/7
  Amper-Magic      82: 4/14,5/23,7/17,8/26,9/10,10/10,11/21,12/31
                   83: 1/6,2/24,3/23
  QuickTrace       82: 4/18,5/21,7/14,8/8,9/8,10/26,11/13,12/24
                   83: 1/18,2/6,3/6,4/21,5/11,6/10,7/27,8/25,9/13
Applied Engineering
  A/D System       81: 7/15,8/10,9/15,10/5,11/8
                   82: 1/13,2/10
  General          81: 12/10
                   82: 8/12,9/6,10/3,11/27,11/9
                   83: 4/11,5/27,6/18,7/19,8/18,9/9
  Time II          81: 7/12,8/9,9/2,10/10,11/13
                   82: 3/14,4/3,5/15,6/8,7/27
  Music Syntheszr  81: 8/15,9/7,10/7
                   82: 3/23,4/15,5/14,6/27,7/24
Arrow Micro Software
  DFX              82: 7/29
  Reflexive VC     82: 7/29
Aurora Systems
  QuickTrace       81: 12(insert)
                   82: 3/6
  Amper-Magic      82: 3/2
Axlon (RAM-disk)   82: 7/23,8/17,9/31,10/27,11/15,12/27
Broderick & Assoc.
  John's Debugger  81: 8/8,10/13
                   82: 4/27,5/5
  B.I.S.           82: 5/9
Castle Designs (Bill Goodwill)
  Fastdraw 1.1     83: 4/9,5/8
Church, James O.
  Super Phone      82: 4/20,6/22
Computer Data Services
  DOSSOURCE 3.3    81: 10/17
Computer Micro Works, Inc.
  3 Products       82: 12/11
  Disk Switch      83: 2/15
  PROM Switch      83: 5/26
Crow Ridge Associates
  Apple Flasher    82: 7/26
Cut The Bull Software
  Other Epson Man  82: 7/16
Decision Systems   80: 12/10
                   81: 1/7,2/10,3/6,4/9,5/11,6/9,7/8,8/5,9/10,10/11,11/18,12/15
                   82: 1/10,2/5,3/16,4/16,5/16,6/15,7/5,8/15,9/4,10/20,11/18,12/12
Douglas Electronics
  Appleseed System 83: 8/15,9/25
ESD Labs Excel-9   81: 12/19
FM Panatronics
  Serial Card      82: 9/22,10/7
Golden Delicious Software
  CIA              83: 7/14,8/7
GSR Associates
  EPSON Graphics   82: 2/14,5/6,6/6
  Clone Kit        82: 2/14,5/6,6/6
Laumer Research
  FLASH!           82: 1/24,2/13,3/8,5/13
  Full Screen Edit 83: 3/9,4/19,5/15,6/31,7/17,8/16
Lee Meador
  Disassembler     81: 2/16
Linn Software
  AED II           82: 4/23,5/19
Martcomm, Inc.
  EPROM Plug       82: 9/19,10/31
Micro Application  81: 12/22
Micro Mart         82: 3/12,5/30,6/10
  Hero Robot Stuff 83: 9/7
Missouri Indexing  82: 1/17
Omega Microware, Inc.
  The Inspector    83: 4/25,5/19,6/15
  Watson           83: 4/27,5/21,6/13
  Disasm           80: 12/15
                   81: 1/9,3/5,5/2,7/11,8/12,9/13,12/23
                   82: 1/4,2/17
  TAB, XREF, GSR   81: 11/15,12/21
                   82: 1/5,2/12
  XREF             81: 4/7
  XREF & GSR       81: 5/4,6/11,10/3
  MX80 Formatter   82: 3/15,4/4,5/11
  Disasm, Utilites 82: 3/18,4/2,5/25,9/14,10/18,11/7,12/28
                   83: 1/27,2/13,3/8,4/24
  Disasm, Util, Mirror
                   82: 6/23,7/31,8/6
  Performer Board  82: 6/24,7/20,8/10
  RAM/ROM,Performer, and Mirror
                   82: 9/18,10/28,11/20,12/8
                   83: 1/14,2/27,3/25,4/16
  Font Downloader  83: 5/18,6/23,7/29,8/10,9/17
Scientific Software Products
  Amper-Ware       82: 9/16,10/14
S-C Software
  S-C Macro Asm    83: 6/14,7/22
  Cross Assemblers 82: 8/1
                   83: 1/16,2/10,3/18,5/16,6/29,7/30,8/27
  ES-CAPE          82: 7/1
                   83: 6/28,7/12,8/23,9/24
  General          81: 12/5
                   82: 1/7,2/3,8/3,11/82,12/3
                   83: 1/3,2/3,3/3,4/3,5/3,6/3,7/3,8/3,9/3
  NEC Printers     82: 5/31
  FLASH! special   82: 7/32
S&H Software
  Amper Sort/Merge 82: 7/21,8/30,9/28,10/19,11/5,12/21
  DOS Enhancer     82: 9/28,10/19,11/5,12/21
  UBI 4.0          82: 4/12,7/21,8/30
Softkey Publishing
  Diskedit         82: 6/20
  HARDCORE Mag     82: 6/18,8/19,9/20,10/23,11/23,12/18
                   83: 1/24,3/11,4/15
  HyperDOS         82: 9/26,10/29
Software Systems Support
  Furniture        82: 4/28,5/32,6/28
Soph-Key           83: 1/22,2/20
Southwestern Data Systems
  Write Now        81: 10/4,12/18
                   82: 2/21,4/21,6/11,8/22,10/16
  Routine Machine  82: 9/24,11/10,12/6
Tau Lambda
  SeaFORTH         82: 1/6,2/22
United Computer    83: 4/5,5/5,6/5,7/5
Vagabondo Enterprises
  CEEMAC           82: 1/14,7/8-9
Welman, C. J.      81: 2/13

Alphabetical Listing of Authors

Anders, Greg
Barkovitch, Dave
Bartley, David
Bartlett, Peter C. Jr.
Bernard, Robert H.
Black, Preston
Boering, Brooke
Bragner, Robert
Brightwell, Anthony
Broderick, John
Church, Jim
Collins, Bill
Deen, Bobby
Dobe, Mike
Fabbri, Richard
Greenfarb, Sanford
Hatcher, Rick
Hirai, Frank
Johnson, David C.
Kassel, Jim
Keating, Roger
Knouse, Steve
Kriegsmann, Mark
Lancaster, Don
Laumer, Mike
Linn, Bill
Mann, Steve
Marsalis, Allen
Matzinger, Bob
McKinstry, Herbert A.
McKinstry, Herbert L.
Meador, Lee
Meyer, Peter
Morgan, Bill
Mossberg, Sandy
Nacon, Bob
O'Brien, R. F.
Parker, Bill
Perkins, Bob
Pitz, Louis
Pote, Dan
Potts, Bob
Putney, Charles
Sander-Cederlof, Bob
Sanders, Mike
Savoie, William R.
Schlichtman, Ulf
Schlyter, Paul
Schneider, Horst
Schumer, Art
Shafer, Tracy L.
Shetler, Col. Paul L.
Steiner, Robert B.
Taylor, Don
Urschel, Bob
Weishaar, Tom
Welman, Chuck
Wetzel, Jim
Wiggs, Chris

Apple Assembly Line is published monthly by S-C SOFTWARE CORPORATION, P.O. Box 280300, Dallas, Texas 75228. Phone (214) 324-2050. Subscription rate is $15 per year in the USA, sent Bulk Mail; add $3 for First Class postage in USA, Canada, and Mexico; add $13 postage for other countries. Back issues are available for $1.50 each (other countries add $1 per back issue for postage).

All material herein is copyrighted by S-C SOFTWARE, all rights reserved. Unless otherwise indicated, all material herein is authored by Bob Sander-Cederlof. (Apple is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.)