S-C Software Corporation 2331 Gus Thomasson, Suite 125 P.O. Box 280300 Dallas, Texas 75228 (214) 324-2050 S-C Docu-Mentor: Applesoft The S-C Docu-Mentor for Applesoft provides the most complete documentation of Applesoft internals available anywhere. You will find the information educational, entertaining, and extremely helpful. The completely commented and ready-to-assemble source code is created with the aid of the Applesoft image in ROM (or on a RAM card). The source creation process modifies existing data on two diskettes to produce over two dozen linked sour&e files ready to assemble with the S-C Macro Assembler. The information contained on the comments and labels has been gleaned from many sources over the years since 1978. (There has been no direct involvment of Apple Computer, Inc., in this project.) I have tried my best to provide meaningful, helpful comments and labels throughout. Nevertheless, there may be some mis-interpretations. If you find any errors or have suggestions for improvements, please send them to me. Many of the label names are deliberately made the same as those published in "Applesoft Internals", by John Crossley. This article first appeared in Volume 1, No. 1, of the Apple Orchard (magazine of the International Apple Corps). It has been re-printed by various clubs, including Call A.P.P.L.E. in their book "All About Applesoft". I have flagged about a half dozen bugs in the listing, and several areas of very "improve-able" code. These are marked with "<<<" and ">>>" at each end of the comment lines. Apple II, Apple II plus, and Applesoft are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Procedure for creating the documented source files: 1. You will need an Apple II or Apple II Plus, with Applesoft either in ROM on the mother-board, in ROM on a firmware card, or in RAM on a RAM card. 2. use any standard disk copier to copy the two original diskettes. Label the copies, and be sure to mark the labels "Drive 1" and "Drive 2". Store the originals, and proceed with the following steps using your copies. 3. Insert either disk and type "RUN HELLO". If Applesoft is available in ROM or RAM, the source-creation process will begin. You will see the phrase "S-C DOCU-MENTOR: APPLESOFT" on the screen, and it will slowly be changed to inverse display. You will hear various speaker noises, which are just there to let you know things are working. When the process is finished, the disk CATALOG will be displayed. 4. Insert the other disk and type "RUN HELLO". Once again, you will see the same displayand hear the same speaker noises. Upon completion, the CATALOG will be displayed. Procedure for assembling the source files: 1. You will need two disk drives. The source file "S.ACF" assumes these are D1 and D2 on the same controller, but you may change these according to your configuration. Of course,you will also need a printer if you wish a permanent copy of the assembly listing. 2. Load the S-C Macro Assembler, either regular or language card version. 3. Insert disk # 1 in drive 1, and disk # 2 in drive 2. 4. Load file "S.ACF" from drive 1. 5. Make any adjustment to the title line you wish. I have set it up for printing 76 lines per page, because I set my printer to print 8 lines per inch. If you are using 6 lines per inch, change the title line to ".TI 55,et cetera". 6. Turn on your printer, and type "PR#slot" to start printing. You will probably want to set "elite" or "condensed" printing mode, because some of the lines in the assembly listing will be more than 80 columns long. I set my printer to "elite" mode (12 chars/inch) and set a left margin of 10 spaces. 7. Type the "ASM" command, and stand back! The listing is 114 pages long (including symbol table) when printed at 76 lines per page. ---------------------------------------------------------------------